iOS 18 Photos Fix
In the building industry a lot of contractors and homeowners use the camera and photos app to communicate problems rather than physically having to look at them. Most industries have a use for photos in some way. It saves time and consequently money. If you’ve updated your iphone in the past week you may be experiencing frustration with your photos app, however. Is there anyone else that’s annoyed with the latest iOS update? I updated to iOS 18 and hate the way my photos look now! I’ve got a tip that will help you declutter your photos screen and customize it so that it looks a little like it did before. But first, here’s a quick explanation of what an iOS is.
An OS or an ‘operating system’, is basically the heavy makeup or fancy cover on the digital backend of a computer. It is the solution to the problem of having to memorize run commands on your old MS-DOS system. The more complex computers became, the less user-friendly they were. In other words, it required more programming to access Pacman than the typical user was able to navigate. So the wildly creative and scientifically intelligent purveyors of personal computing technology created the operating system, or at least what we now know as an operating system. Simply put, it is the cover connected to the “bones” of the computer, like how the beautiful exterior of a house is connected to the framing of the house. It displays clickable icons, a start menu, a folder to search and store documents, wallpaper…like a house has windows, doors, siding, lights…but you have to have the framing in order to have that beautiful exterior. The MS DOS (the old 1980s text screen) is now on the backend or the root of the computer, but it talks to your computer to tell it to display the pretty wallpaper and icons to access programs. Thank you Microsoft ; )
We have evolved in our technology ecosystem so much that we now have mobile operating systems for our handheld computers, or our phones. And we are on what feels like the 94,587th version of the apple operating system, or the iOS. Enter iOS 18, the “latest and greatest” – not really — version of our iPhone’s OS.
These are a few new things I enjoy about the latest update, but one thing I abhor is the change to Photos. What was once intuitive folders with a “cleanish” screen for access to my photos, is now a grid of mayhem. I can’t make out what’s what, so this feature adds to my frustration levels rather than takes from it. And one of my mantras in life is “if a piece of technology doesn’t make it faster, smarter, and less stressful, then don’t use it!”
Although you can’t revert your photos back to the way they were in the previous iOS, you can rearrange them and make them less stressful to navigate.
To do this, navigate to your photos app and swipe-scrolll to the very bottom of the screen. The very last thing you will see at the bottom is ‘Customize and Reorder’. Tap this and you will see the below:
Customize and Reorder Menu
Untap all of the items you don’t want to display on your photos screen. These are the 3 options above I keep checked. Now my photos have fewer sections to clutter up my options. Below is what it looks like now.
What my Photos looks like now.
Most of us use our photos if not daily then HOURLY. Sending our photos app into disarray is a good way to clog your productivity. I hope this helps with that. Happy photographing, and reach out to us to let us build your home!